Manufacturer of

The NEXT GENERATION of coolant & antifreeze

(507) 334-0442






Antifreeze Collection Requirements

Drop offs must be scheduled in advance by calling ETU.

Ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, and all other glycols must be stored separately
without co-mingling.

Halogenated solvents to be less than 500 ppm including but not limited to:

        • carburetor cleaner

        • brake cleaner

Oil content to be less than 0.5% by volume.

        • Oil content up to 2% will be accepted subject to discounting.

        • Oil content greater than 2% must have acceptability determined prior to acceptance.

        • Oil content to include:

              engine oil, gear oil, heating oil, cutting oil, gasoline, diesel, kerosene, turbine fuels

Windshield washer fluid (methanol) to be less than 1000 ppm.

Ammonia to be less than 50 ppm.